Short inspirational quotes short quotes  motivational quotes to help you to stay inspired

Wooooooo. hoooooooooo 😤😤 I am so much excited , because today's topic is motivational and inspirational quotes 
But first of all what is motivation , I also don't know like you , but today I will explore with you what is motivation or inspiration
Before starting I want you to know about my blogging target which is just to entertain you and give you some knowledge 
Get ready to explore with me

1.  Do not  give your past , that right to define your future

.......hmmmmmmmm good one , good beginningis must  required to end up with great ending 

2. Even the darkest night ,end with the sun rise

..... fabulous. ...True one 
No matter how much dark is night ,  when sun will rise there will not be dark

Funny Quotes about life and love

Short inspirational quotes

3. If you see someone without smile give them one of yours
....... I have a lot of smiles 😊😊😊😊😊 and i am giving you One take it 😀😊😁 and give your's also to me 😍😍😍

Inspiration quotes about love

4. Avoiding some people to keep your emotions healthy,  is not weakness . It is wisdom 

..... good one , but I didn't understand it , Do you?
If you understood that please help me because I didn't 

Inspirational quotes for students 

5. Don't tell people your plans show them results 

....... woooooo hoooo great one, true because people can doubt what you say but they will always believe what you do 

Inspiration quotes for work

Inspirational quotes for kids

6. You know my name but not my story

.... wow that means people only see results not struggle, keep your struggle and goal to yourself only until  it becomes the story 

Inspirational quotes about life and struggles 

7. If your dreams don't scares you,,,  then they are too small

..... Superb,  don't worry if you are getting scared by your dreams because that means you are going to do something that doesn't get fit in society's mentality 
I have a very big dream do you have? ??

You can also read Love quotes here

Short inspirational quotes

8. You are what you do , not what you say you will do.

..... for success our thinking and actions must in same direction, start doing what you have promised to do 

Inspirational quotes about life and happiness 

9. Your life is not yours , when you think,  what will other think 

..... great, people will always say something don't pay attention to them , because people can speak only 

Funny inspirational quotes 

10. Be yourself because a original is more worthy than a copy

..... I am original ☺☺☺☺

Cute short inspirational quotes 

11. Process of becoming strong doesn't start in gym ? It starts in mind

..... if you are stronger in mind then you are strong if you are weak in your mind then you are weak

Short inspirational quotes about strength 

12. When you focus on good , good increases

.... that's completely true , I totally agree with it

Struggle and overcome quotes 

13.  Don't afraid to stand for what you believe in
And even when you are standing alone 

.... quotes are getting more interesting, standing alone doesn't mean that you are wrong it means that you are strong enough to take a right stand for you , even if people don't agree with you 

Short inspirational quotes

14. Life has no remote , get up and change yourself 

.... that is great , what you think 

Short inspirational quotes for students 

15. Only those who care about you, can hear you , when you are quite 

..... Share this quote with that one person who cares for you 

You don't know how much time you have left 

.... True.  Be happy  , any day can be your last day

Short inspirational quotes about love 

17. It's OK to be scared ,  because being scared mens you are going to do something,  really ,really brave

..... this is my favourite, I love this quote 
Short inspirational quotes for work 

QUOTES inspirational

18. You should choose to make your rest of life, the best of your Life

.... great one, don't think that it is too late to change because its never too late to start or change 

Short  quotes

19. If you can't change anything,  let it be
Don't become prison of things that is uncontrollable for you

.... GUYS i am getting too much inspired

Motivational quotes for work success

20. Sometimes it is important to die a little inside you, to get stronger, wiser and best version of youself 

.... this is connected to me☺☺☺☺ 

Quotes about work ethic

21. Not all the storms come to disturb you, some come to clean your path

..... telll me by comments has anything like this happened to you

Friday motivational quotes work 

22. The quickest way to boost self confidence,  is to do something that scares you the most

.... you should try this

Motivational quotes for teamwork

23.  Sometimes when  things are falling apart , they are actually falling on right place

.... hmmmm good one

QUOTES about life 

Short quotes

24. When  wrong people leave your life, good things start to happen

.... VERY true,, comment  "yes" if this has happened with you because it has happened with me

Inspirational quotes for students in college

25. When a bird is sitting on branch , then it doesn't scared of  cracking branch because his faith is not on branch but on wings that it has

..... this is called self confidence

List of inspirational quotes for students 

26. Be brave if you are not , then pretend to be

.... I am toh brave

Funny inspirational quotes for students 

27. The only waye to do great work is to love what you do , or do what you love 

..... Yeah that's true

Motivational quotes to study hard 

28. Sometimes the people you want to be in your story of life are meant to be only a chapter 

.... that is something  which I didn't understand Do you?  Then please help me to understand by comments

Short  quotes

29. Happiness is not , getting all you want, it is to enjoy all you have 

... that is very good

30. This place is for you Try to share your
Quote to inspire others and I will try to replace it

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed representing it to you 
One my personal advice to you that don't just read this quotes start implementation and then you will see the magic 
Again I am sorry if you dislike anything what I said 
Thank you so much for reading And if you have any queries or complaint please let me know by comments and help me to improve 
I have tried my best but if you still feel dissatisfied please forgive me.