Planets,Some interesting, cool, amazing facts about earth probably you didn't know before
Before getting started I wanna tell you my blogging target . Which is just to entertain you by facts ,
So guys we think that we know our planet very well but recently I have come to know about facts that really amazed me so i thought to write this article to help you know about our planet and trust me guys you will not disappointed from this article
So guys be ready and I am like your sibling please forget if you dislike anything in my creation
1. Pluto is smaller than Russia
.Oh can you imagine a planet is smaller than a country😱😱😱😱Fun facts about earth's spheres
2. There is pizza place in alaska that delivers pizza by helicopter
Facts about earth
3. If you drilled a tunnel straight through the earth and jumped in
It would take 42 min 12 sec to get other side
. Try once and tell me is it works or not😅😅😅😅4. 99% of gold on earth is in core
Mind blowing facts about earth5. Only 5% of ocean has been discovered
Sphere of earth6. There are killer lakes on earth
.... TELL by comments have you ever go to lake
7. Rain water is not purely made of water
..... oooohhhhhhhh I drink sometimes by thinking that it is water😫😫😫😫😫😫
Now I thing is will have to stop it
8. One day north becomes south and south becomes north
Earth surface activity
Earth surface activity
9. Do you need proof of earth being spherical . I will give you suppose that you are standing at one shore of ocean and ship is going from your side to other side and now if earth was flat it should seem to be going but in reality we see that ship goes dissappear which proves that earth is spherical
.... from now if someone will ask you for prove then give them this one
Planet facts for kids
Planet facts for kids
10. The water we are drinking is 3 Arab years old
11. No one knows who named earth
..... GUYS I don't even know who named me
What I have to do with earth🌏🌏🌏
Facts about earth
12. About 1 million people died in making great Wall of China .
Have you visited China wall comment me .
Planets information
Planets information
13. And actually this fact is my favourite after reading comment me you liked it or not , if we fold the paper piece 42 times then that piece of paper would be able to reach moon
. Try it and tell me
Earth facts
14. Summer last long for 42 years on Uranus, that is really interesting don't you think so
15. Earth🌎 is spherical.....ha ha sorry guys I was trying to be funny to entertain you but i know I am very bad in it
16. Did you know that 2015 was one second longer than other years on this planet
. Think what did you do in that secondI think I was sleeping hmmmm.
Earth facts for kids
17. Acc to scientists if we put a big mirror at distance of 10 light years and if we see through telescope from big mirror that we had put then acc to principles we will able to see 20 years back ,
.is not it interesting tell me by comments
Facts about earth for kids
Facts about earth for kids
18. This is also something very interesting,
At the end of kalyug hinsa, dvesh,chori, will be at peak and at that time male and female will be dwarf (mean bone ) . And at that time female will get pregnant at age of 8 year and they will get old at age of 16 year and their life time would be 20 years only
.............. thinking
19. Earth's 40 % place is occupied by 6 countries only from 206 countries
20. Moon was once part of earth
Fun facts about earth's spheres
21. Mount Everest is not really highest mountain there is some also mountain which is taller than mount everest but actually it's more than half portion is dipped in ocean
22. Earth is 4 billion years old and I billion is equal to 100 cr
..... I know you know that I billion is 100 cr but when I heard it I didn't know 😕😕😕😕
So I thinkto mention for people like me
23. Earth used to be flat
.... I think that is myth
24. The sun is actually white but through earth 's atmosphere it seems to be yellow
25. Earth was once believed to be center of universe
26. This place of fact is for you comment me the fact that only you know and I will place that fact in this place
Earth is sick due to our population and many things , help our earth to survive by decreasing junk food like pollution and all.and make earth fit and healthy
If you want more facts go toFun facts of life
And to Amazing random facts
If you want more facts go toFun facts of life
And to Amazing random facts
Most frequently asked questions
1. How big is this universe
Answer. 93 billion light years ago
2. When was first life on earth
Answer. 3.77 billion years ago
3. Who is creator of this universe
Answer. Vishnu is primary creator
4. Can we hear in space
Answer. No
5. Who named planet earth
Answer . This is derived from English and Germany which means land
6. How old is space
Answer. Approx 13.8 billion years old
7. What is age of oldest person on planet
Answer. 122 years 164 days
8. What is earth's real name
Answer. Gala
9. Do we live on earth or in earth
Answer . We live on earth
10. Is it important to go on for any facts information
Answer. Yes yes yes yes yes
I represented you the facts of our planet
So guys this is my first blog please forgive me if you dislike anything in this creation
If you have any queries or complaint please help me to improve by comment
And if you know any fact that I have not Disscused in article please comment and I will try to use it in my next article
Thank you
For reading
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