Presenting fun facts that will surely entertain you 
Before getting started I wanna tell you my blogging target . Which is just to entertain you by facts , 
So guys how are you doing ,your sibling brother is back with my new creation 
Now this time also you will definitely get entertain and please read till end because some gift is waiting for you at 36 no. Fact 
Again guys I am  like your sibling and please forgive me for mistakes 
You will be thinking when there is 101 facts available everywhere why I have chosen no.36
Amazing facts from Bible
Because I think there will be no point if I present you with 100 facts in which only 36 are interesting . then being your brother I should give you only 36 which is interesting  and now without wasting time get ready to dive in . 

1.  The moon,Venus and Jupiter will align on 16 may 2020 to form smile face

 . This date is coming na  you should try 👌👌

Amazing facts


If you put torch in a dog's mouth the light will come out at rear end 

. Hmmmm this is something interesting try guys but try only when you have your own dog otherwise you know 🐶🐶🐶🐶

Fun facts

3. Based on scientific research people who eat spicy nearly every day have 14 percent chance of living longer than those who don't 

. Yeah I love eating spicy so that means I will live long  hmmmm.😀😀😀

Amazing facts for students

4. Once  a reporter asked bill Gates why you hire most of engineers from India why not from your own country
He replied : if I stop hiring from India then there will be another Microsoft in india 

. Hmmmm think how much talented we are 😮😮😮😮

Amazing facts book store

5. If you want to know if a girl likes you or not if she looks at you while everyone is laughing at some joke ,if she does she is into you

. Ooòok I have tried it but no girl is interested in me if there is anyone who is interested please comment

Fun facts

6. A kick in nuts of Man is above 9000 del of pain which is  equalent  to giving birth 160 kids or breaking 3200 bones 

. Ooooook I suggest you not try it

7. People with ugly hand writing are very creative  bad and messy hand writing is sign of intelligence 

. Hmmmm that's why my hand writing is bad ooh my God 😲😲😲I am creative

List of amazing facts of world

8. Fire has no shadow 

. Ooooook  I don't have something to speak on it

Interesting facts about life


9. Bill Gates said that he always gets laziest person to do the hardest job because they will find easier way to do that 

. Ooohhh my God I am also very lazy , bill Gates please hire me 👌👌

Small amazing facts

10. Henry mishel :American was first invented exams

.. you konw what to do 😈😈😈😈😈😈

Fun facts to share

11. Did you know there was a bus driver in Paris who killed all his passengers because they refused to adjust with the wheel chaired person

Wtf facts
Wierd facts

12. A day in Venus is longer than year on earth

. Hmmmm so  try and tell me is it really so

Amazing facts for students

13. Dogs are able to see their  farts


14. If bill Gates spent $I million a day it would take him about 218 years to go broke

..  Oh hhhhhhhhhhhh please give me some 😲😲😲😲

15. 10 days without sleep can cause death

. So with working sleep is also important
You will be thinking why I got serious but some seriousNess should also be there😕😕😕😕😕😕😕 ..............don't worry I am joking

Interesting amazing facts

16. Famous cartoon doraemon is based on life of real boy who was suffering from schizophrenia  . He used to see doraemon in imagination and even talk with him people used to make fun of him at age of 16 he committed suicide because of mental pain

. Oh  we should respect everyone how he or she is  don't tease any body  it can cause bad effect  on him or her

Fact of doraemon

17. Why we have so much temples when God is everywhere  it is because air is also every where then also we need fan to feel it

. Do you believe in God tell me by comments

Facts about world

18. An octopus will eat his arms when it's get really hungry

. Tell me by comments have you ever seen live octopuses

19. Never trust a man who is not kind to animals

. Oh  follow it hh
Amazing facts Bible School
Facts in world

20. Sweden has shortage of garbage ,thus country takes garbage from Norway to produce energy

. . Please take some garbage from us we have a lot . no?

21. If you want to know about facts about earth go to Facts of earthl

22. Famous cartoon shinchan got died because he was trying to save his sister himawari because some car was about to hit it

. Tell me by comments how much of you have seen shinchan in childhood

23. Psychology says if you can't sleep at night it's because you are awaken in someone else's dreams 

.  This never happened with which means no body loves me 😭😭😭😭😭

24. If in america one teeth of child got break then he or she will get 3$

.. I request to God please make me child again

25. In 1924 people used to play real life chess

. How many of you played chess comment me

26. Three gorges dam in China is so massive it has slowed the rotation of earth


27. Dolphins ,whales , and apes are only animals other than human know how to suicide

.. guys please never do suicide you are bigger than your problem  and no problem is there with out solution😇😇😇😇

Fun facts

28. Disturbing person while in sleep can make permanent damage tor brain

. So guys don't disturb anybody it  is dangerous 😴😴😴😴

Facts in world

29. The person who loves black  colour  have very colourful mind

. Tell me by comments how many of you love black colour

30. Dogs is only thing on planet that loves you more than himself

31. A hacker named  James krissler  was able to recreate the finger print of German defence minister from photographs.  This is some one who defeated apple fingerprint verification with in few hours of releasing
Of iPhone

. That is interesting

32. Iceland is onlycountry with no mosquito

. I should  go there because in my house there are so much mosquitoes 😆😆😆

33. There is an area in Canada with gravity less than rest of earth  .

. I don't think it's true

34.  Scientists concluded that chicken came first not egg because protein which make egg  that  can only produce by hens

. Ohhh , many people ask me this question now I will be able to answer it

Fun facts

35 . Your subconscious mind is 30000 more power full than conscious mind

36 . This place is for you . Please share fact that only you know and I will replace it

So guys I hope you enjoyed it and you have collected some data or some interesting facts to share with your sons in future
And if I you dislike anything please forgive as I am like  your younger sibling

Thank you so much for reading
And if you have any queries or complaint please let me knowby comments

I have tried my best to entertain you but still you are not satisfied you can go to
Www.the fact site. Com