30 fun facts , cool facts , interesting facts ,everyone should know and share also
Before getting started I wanna tell you my blogging target . Which is just to entertain you by facts ,
Are you getting bore from life😩😩😩😩 ,today I will try to tell you some fun facts about life and psychological facts
So guys welcome back and this time i will tell you some facts that amazed me and I think you should also know
You will get here cool,unbelievable, interesting facts of life
You will get here cool,unbelievable, interesting facts of life
So get ready because something interesting is waiting for you in this article
But before we dive into ocean of facts I have to say sorry if you dislike anything in my creation,
If you want to know about myself go to about me page or about me in your top menu
1.A person usually makes hand gesture when telling a right story and don't when telling a lie
.... so from now when somebody will tell you story look at their hand and you will find whether he is saying true or not
Isn't it interesting 😍😍😍😍
Fun facts to share
Fun facts to share
2.Inhale from your mouth and sawalow saliva twice and exhale through nose will be 100 % effective for curing Hick ups
... ohhh I got so much , from now I will try this way to stop hiccups and you shouldalso try and tell me by comments whether it works or not
Inappropriate fun facts
Inappropriate fun facts
3.Reality is created by mind we can change our reality by changing our mind
. Ohhh this is some spiritual so try to change your reality by changing your mind process I will definitely try it and I think you should also try it
Fun facts about yourself
4.Psychology say if two past lovers can be friends then whether they are still in love or never was
. 😭😭 I have never been in love I am ready to get friends after break up but no body loved me 😭😭😭😭
5. Human have more empathy for dogs than human
.ohhh tell me by comments if you have dogs and how much you love him
FUN facts about me
FUN facts about animals
FUN facts about me
FUN facts about animals
6.Intelligent people don't think too much for other opinions because they have great sense of self
. Oh hhhhhhhhhhhh that means I am also intelligent check whether you are or not and tell me by comments
Interesting facts to talk about
Interesting facts to talk about
7.If mosqiuto is biting you and you flex the muscle then it will exploid
. Never do it because I care for you . Don't try to flex the muscle on which mosquito bit
8.Psychology says if a person bring out best in you and makes you strong is actually your weakness
😢😢😢😢😢 this is correct
Interesting facts about life
Interesting facts about life
9.A team of scientists at Boston children
Hospital have invented oxygen particles
Which if injected in you, you will be able to live with out breathing
......😲😲😲😲😱😱😱 ohhh hhhh really
That's great man . It happened ,you know one day human will be flying by their own.from my point of view with help of our great scientists
10.Our brain works creative when
We are tired
... this is also interesting. So when you need to think creative , get tired 😳😳😳😳😳
You know when we get tired we don't stop our brain
And we allow every kind of thought it give us and that is creativity
Interesting facts about students life
Interesting facts about students life
Fun facts about yourself
True interesting facts11.We ignore who adore us and give attention who ignore us
.. so guys never ignore anybody ,value those who value you
12.Treating waiter reviels more about our character
13.Doing things that scares us makes us happier
...... this I don't think true but this is acc to psychology we can't ignore it
14.The stress experience when we loose our phone is likely same when we are at our wedding day or dentist visit
.... being addicted to anything is bad never be addicited
Interesting facts about students life
15.It takes 4 min to fall in love
. ..😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
16.Emotions can predict future
... have you feel ? when you feel something about future and ... that happened
This is exactly this fact is about
17.We can control our dreams
....Yes we can this process is called lucid dreams
Suppose some body is chasing you in dream and you are running and you lost the way and there is no chance of escaping
Then start thinking that you are flying and you will be flying in dream this is how you think
Interesting facts to talk about in class
Interesting facts to talk about in class
18. Crying makes you feel better, stress less and may help to keep body healthy
... I also cry too much 😭😭😭😭 and seriously crying is not bad this is emotion
Fun facts about kids
Interesting facts about yourself
Fun facts about kids
Interesting facts about yourself
19. Nose can remember 50000 different scents
.. I can't say anything about it because my nose is blocked right now.
Fun facts about me joke
Fun facts about me joke
20. At room temperature average speed of air molecule is same as riffle bullet
...Oooohhhhhhhh Really I don't know it but
One second then why we don't get hit by it
Do you know? And if yes you know what to do.......
Interesting Fun facts about me ideas
One second then why we don't get hit by it
Do you know? And if yes you know what to do.......
Interesting Fun facts about me ideas
21. Banana milk shake is perfect for hangover
.... ok so when you want to get out from hangover try banana milk shake22. Star fish can regenerate it's cracked limb and limb can also regenerate it's self as full star fish
23. Be aware from ants because at every human there is 1 million ants
.. ohhh that's why I have so much in my house 😂😂😂😂😂
True interesting facts
True interesting facts
24. Domestic chicken are closest relative to dinosaurs
.... ooppppps be carefull 😨😨😨😨
Wacky facts
Wacky facts
25. There is a town in honduras in which at same time in year ,occurs ........... fish rain
... ooohhh hhhhhhhhhhhh can you imagine it is really unbelievable 😱😱😱😱
Fun facts for 6 years old
Fun facts for 6 years old
26 . If you watch every video on you tube it will take 1000 years to do that
.... I watch a lot videos on you tube do you???? Tell ...... I don't think I have to say too much as you know what to do then
27. If Facebook was a country It would be largest popution country with 2 billion
28. Mark Zuckerberg founder of Facebook is red and orange colour blind that's why he created Facebook in shade of blue
..... that is a motivational fact
29. The weight of ants is equal to human weight on earth
... this is also interesting
30. This place is for you Try to comment the fact that only you know no body else and I will place it here
If you want facts of earth go to =Facts of earth
If you want to know about some other mind blowing facts go to =Amazing random facts
I have tried my best but if you are still dissatisfied you can go to
I have tried my best but if you are still dissatisfied you can go to